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$\mathcal A$
vertical aspect ratio (reduced height) of cavity
arbitrary diffusivity tensor
Spalding's driving force for mass transfer, $\exp(-\varPhi )-1$
characteristic length, dimensional width of cavity
coefficient of Dirichlet term in Robin boundary condition
constant of integration
isobaric specific heat capacity
binary diffusivity
characteristic length of $V$ in §2.6.1
truncation error
arbitrary unit vector
body force term in Stokes equation
gravitational acceleration, $-g\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\jmath}$}$
(thermal) Grashof number, $g\beta\Delta T_*b^{3}/\nu^{2}$
specific enthalpy
specific heat of vaporization
higher order terms
unit transverse vector
coefficient of Neumann term in Robin boundary condition
index for species in a multicomponent mixture
unit vertical vector
mass flux of vapour relative to $\mathbf{u}_*$
number of evaluated terms in a truncated series
unit spanwise vector
index for terms in a series
vapour Lewis number, $\lambda/\rho c_{pA} \delta$
molar mass
reduced vapour mass fraction, $(m_*-m_{*r})/\Delta m_*$
buoyancy ratio, $\zeta\Delta m_*/\beta\Delta T_*$ number of species in a mixture in §2.6.1
unit normal vector, positive outward from fluid phase
absolute mass flux of vapour
Nusselt number, $-\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\imath}$}\cdot\mathbf{e}_*b[1-\exp(-\varPhi _T)]/
\lambda\Delta T_*\varPhi _T$
$\mbox{$\mathcal P$}[\mathbf{v}]$
scalar defining the poloidal part of $\mathbf{v}$
function defined by (B.6)
reduced pressure,
$(p_*+\rho gy_*)/\rho g(\beta\Delta T_*+\zeta\Delta m_*)b\mbox{$\mathcal A$}$
Prandtl number, $\nu\rho c_{p}/\lambda$
reference Prandtl number, $\nu\rho c_{pr}/\lambda$
interdiffusion Prandtl number, $\nu\rho(c_{pA}-c_{pB})(1-m_{*r})/\lambda$
reduced position vector, $\mathbf{r}_*/b$
reduced spherical coordinate, $\vert\mathbf{r}\vert$
(thermal) Rayleigh number, GrPr
Reynolds number
$\mathcal S$
spanwise aspect ratio (reduced span) of cavity
$\mbox{$\mathcal S$}[\mathbf{v}]$
scalar defining the scaloidal part of $\mathbf{v}$
level surface of arbitrary scalar field
mesh stretching factor in §5.1.5
arbitrary scalar field in §2.6.1
Schmidt number, $\nu/D$
Sherwood number, $-\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\imath}$}\cdot\mathbf{n}_*b/\rho D\varPhi $
$\mbox{$\mathcal T$}[\mathbf{v}]$
scalar defining the toroidal part of $\mathbf{v}$
reduced temperature, $(T_*-T_{*r})/\Delta T_*$
reduced velocity, $\mathbf{u}_*\nu/g(\beta\Delta T_*+\zeta\Delta m_*)b^2$
reduced transverse component of velocity, $\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\imath}$}\cdot\mathbf{u}$
$\mathcal V$
term of an inner matched asymptotic expansion
volume enclosed by level surface, $S$
arbitrary vector field
reduced vertical component of velocity, $\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\jmath}$}\cdot\mathbf{u}$
reduced spanwise component of velocity, $\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{k}$}\cdot\mathbf{u}$
reduced transverse coordinate, $\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\imath}$}\cdot\mathbf{r}$
reduced vertical coordinate, $\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\jmath}$}\cdot\mathbf{r}$
reduced spanwise coordinate, $\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{k}$}\cdot\mathbf{r}$

Greek symbols

thermal coefficient of cubic expansion
component of metric tensor
$\varDelta $
inner gauge function in a matched asymptotic expansion
characteristic difference
outer gauge function in a matched asymptotic expansion
vapour coefficient of cubic expansion
stretched coordinate for region near front wall in §7.4.2
spherical coordinate: colatitude, $\arctan(\sqrt{x^2+z^2}/y)$
spherical coordinate: colatitude, $\arctan(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}/z)$
thermal conductivity
$\varLambda $
latent heat factor, $h_{fg}/c_{pA}\Delta T_*$
(dynamic) viscosity
kinematic viscosity
stretched coordinate for region near hot wall
function defined by (4.29), appearing in (4.27)
spherical coordinate: azimuth, $\arctan(y/z)$
$\varPhi $
mass transfer rate factor, $\ln[(1-m_{*r})/(1-m_{*r}-\Delta m_*)]$
$\varPhi _T$
thermal mass transfer rate factor, $\varPhi (\mbox{\textit{Pr}}_r+\mbox{\textit{Pr}}_I)/\mbox{\textit{Sc}}$
spherical coordinate: azimuth, $\arctan(x/y)$
test function for variational form of Navier-Stokes equation
vertical component of solenoidal vector potential for $\mathbf{u}_{\perp}$
Stokes's stream-function in §8.2
$\varOmega $
rotational speed
domain, with boundary $\partial\Omega$


unit magnitude
in a domain with $\mbox{$\mathcal S$}\rightarrow\infty$
in a domain with $\mbox{$\mathcal S$}\rightarrow 0$
in a domain with rectangular horizontal section
in a domain with circular horizontal section
in a domain with elliptic horizontal section
contravariant component
contravariant component
poloidal part
scaloidal part
toroidal part


covariant derivative with respect to $x^i, x^j,\ldots$
fully developed
restricted to a horizontal plane
restricted to a plane of constant $z$
at the wall $x=0$
at the wall $x=1$
species A, the vapour
species B, the gas
Cartesian tensor component
species index in a multicomponent mixture
Cartesian tensor component
pertaining to mass transfer or composition
at the reference state

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Geordie McBain 2001-01-27