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Extrema of advected scalars
That no temperature field, being a
solution of the steady-state energy equation (2.55),
can possess a strong
relative maximum or minimum at an interior point of its domain of existence
follows from the essential elliptic nature of the equation and the absence
of sources or sinks.
Theorem 1 (Nonexistence of extrema of advected scalars)
If a scalar field,

, is a regular solution of the steady-state
\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}\cdot [-\mathsf{A}\cdot\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}s+\sum_{i=1}^N h_{(i)}(s)\mathbf{v}_{(i)}]=0
\end{displaymath}](img311.png) |
(2.76) |
in some domain for some scalar functions

solendoidal vector fields,

, and symmetric, positive
definite tensor field,

; all continuously differentiable;
then there are no interior strong relative extrema of

The idea for this proof, suggested by Prof. Bob Street
(1999, pers. comm., 4 Feb.), is to recast the equation in quasilinear
elliptic form, for which the result is known.
Carrying out the divergence,
(2.77) |
(2.78) |
(2.79) |
In Cartesian tensor notation with the summation
convention in force, this is
(2.80) |
which is of the form for which Hopf's Maximum Principle is shown to hold in
treatises on partial differential equations
(Courant & Hilbert 1962, pp. 320-8;
Garabedian 1964, pp. 227-38).
Alternative Proof:
I offer here an original and quite different proof which
I hope, by avoiding
the artifice of a comparison function and using vectorial concepts rather
than a general calculus of several variables,
is more conducive to physical intuition. The use of vectors also ensures
that the result is not tied to any particular coordinate system.
The reader uncomfortable with a
tensorial diffusivity may replace
wherever it appears; this is the special case of isotropy.
The proof is by contradiction: assume that there does exist an
interior relative extremum. For definiteness, and without loss of
generality, take this to be a minimum.
Construct a family of rays originating at the minimum and terminating when
they encounter either:
- (i)
- a boundary point of the domain; or
- (ii)
- a stationary point, with respect to the ray, of
; i.e.
, where
is the unit radial vector from the
Except at the origin, and possibly the rays' termini,
is strictly
increasing along the rays:
(2.81) |
by the definitions of a minimum and the rays (ii).
Choose a value
between that at the minimum and the least of those
at the rays' termini.
be the set of points with
passed through by the rays.
Each ray intersects
exactly once, and, since
possesses at least two
continuous spatial derivatives (Gresho 1988),
is closed and smooth enough to have a well-defined unit outward normal,
No ray is tangent to
, since then the ray should have terminated, by (ii);
(2.82) |
Now, by definition of the vector triple product,
(2.83) |
, since the normal of a level surface
is parallel to the gradient; therefore,
(2.84) |
by (2.81), (2.82) and since
is positive definite.
Integrate the steady-state advection-diffusion equation (2.76)
over the volume
enclosed by
\int\!\!\!\int\!\!\!\int _{V} \mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}\cdot ...
+\sum_{i=1}^N h_{(i)}(s) \mathbf{v}_{(i)}] \,\mathrm{d}V.
\end{displaymath}](img330.png) |
(2.85) |
Applying the divergence theorem gives:
(2.86) |
of which the right hand side is positive by (2.84).
The left hand side, however, vanishes;
by virtue of the hypotheses on the
This is a contradiction, so that the theorem is proved.
- There would always be a net diffusion through a closed level surface
surrounding a strong relative extremum, but the net advection would vanish.
- The application to the multicomponent energy equation is clear (cf. Bird et al. 1960, pp. 561-6). The variables
are the temperature, (tensor) conductivity, partial
specific enthalpies and absolute species fluxes, respectively. The required
assumption is that the partial specific enthalpies are independent
of pressure and composition.
- Often, as in this project, the diffusivity is isotropic;
i.e. a product of a (positive) scalar field and the Kronecker delta; and so is
symmetric and positive definite, as required.
- The diffusivity and velocities can depend on
, so that the equation
is only quasilinear. In the proof,
is assumed given, so that
and the
can be re-expressed as functions of position.
- Completely analogous theorems hold in one and two dimensions.
- In the special case
, where
is a constant,
the steady-state advection-diffusion equation (2.76)
reduces to Laplace's equation, for which the
corresponding result is classical (Lamb 1932, p. 39).
- The species (2.53) and energy (2.55) equations
both fall under the hypotheses of the theorem.
- Thus, no extrema of vapour mass fraction or temperature are expected
in the solutions of our system of equations (2.52)-(2.55), and one can
conclude that the temperature minimum discovered by Weaver & Viskanta
referred to in §2.1.3) was erroneous.
- Extrema might occur if there were source or sink terms in the equations,
such as if the vapour condensed in the domain; the Dufour effect were
appreciable; or there were viscous heating.
- Extrema are
of course possible in transient advection-diffusion, as for example they
may be specified as part of the initial conditions. I leave unanswered the
question of whether strong local extrema can arise in the evolution of a scalar
field; this was predicted in the two-dimensional
numerical solutions of Bergman and Hyun (1996)
for the mass fraction of tin in a nonisothermal amalgam with lead.
Next: The nonexistence of hydrostatic
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Geordie McBain