The representation (7.59) of suggests a means of finding a simple approximate answer to one of the principal questions of this chapter: how large must be for the flow in the spanwise plane of symmetry to be essentially described by the Jones-Furry solution (7.24).
Near the front end-wall it is clear that the second series can be neglected in comparison to the Jones-Furry solution and the first series if is sufficiently large. In the first series, the effect of the term has reduced in magnitude by a factor of e after a distance from the front end-wall of . Thus the first term, which also has the largest magnitude due to the pre-exponential factor with dependence, acts over the longest distance. It has reduced to less than 0.5% of its influence at for . Since the location of the plane of spanwise symmetry is , the flow there may be expected to be sensibly independent of the presence of the end-walls for . This is a refinement of the prediction based on Saint-Venant's principle given at the start of this section. Applying a similar procedure to leads to .
To investigate this approximation, plots of the difference between the actual solution for , calculated from (7.59) for each half of the section, and the Jones-Furry solution (7.24) are given in figure 7.4 for values of spanning the estimate