Solution of (7.20) requires a particular integral. Two rational
choices for this integral can be obtained by considering the asymptotic
solutions for large and small .
The solution valid in the limit
is (cf. equation
This result, due to Jones and Furry (1946),
and used by Batchelor (1954)
and many others (Vest & Arpaci 1969; Hart 1971; Gershuni &
Zhukhovitskii 1976, ch. 10; Nagata & Busse 1983; Daniels 1985;
Chait & Korpela 1989)
in the analysis of narrow cavities, describes the flow between infinite
parallel plane vertical walls. It satisfies (7.21) at
but not at
. The combination
was noted by Aung (1972) as the solution for the transversely
heated duct problem with
The solution of equation (7.20) matching the boundary conditions
(7.21) then follows readily from Fourier's method:
For small , the geometry approaches that of the flow in the
experiments of Hele-Shaw
(1898, 1899)--the dominant effect
on the flow being from the viscous damping of the end-walls. These
experiments were analysed by Stokes (1899) who showed that the
general form for the vertical velocity component is:
Both (7.25) and (7.28) are exact solutions of
(7.20) and (7.21), and also; when combined with
(7.16), (7.13) and (7.22);
the full equation of motion (2.54),
for all values of