Daniels's (1985) treatment of the destruction of the conduction regime in the analogous single fluid heat transfer problem focused on the large Prandtl number limit; nevertheless, he outlined, in passing, an approach that might be of value to the present problem: an expansion of the solution in powers of Ra.
This had in fact already been attempted
by Batchelor in 1954, though, unfortunately, that analysis
is flawed and should be repeated. Batchelor employed `Grashof's formula' for
the approximation of the solution of the biharmonic equation,
which the first order stream-function satisfies,
and also appears in the theory of elasticity. He
adduces Love (1944) for this, saying that it is applicable for `not too
different from unity'. Love (1944, p. 495), however, writes
that `the formula, though devoid of theoretical foundation, has often been
treated with respect...it will be seen that Grashof's formula leads
to a serious over-estimate of the strength of a plate which is at all nearly
square'. Since it is possible to obtain solutions for this equation to
any desired degree of accuracy (see Love 1944, or the references given by
Daniels 1985), there would not seem to be any need to persist with Grashof's
A very similar problem was solved by
Cormack, Leal and Imberger (1974): the single fluid heat
transfer problem at low vertical aspect ratio and Rayleigh number. The
techniques applied there would require hardly any modification to be used
for the large problem.
The extension to the nonisothermal vapour transport problem would entail a
double expansion in powers of Ra; or, equivalently Gr or
; and
the mass transfer rate factor,
. Note that the first order
approximations will be independent (i.e. simply additive) whereas
cross-effects will enter at higher orders
(Van Dyke 1964, p. 35).
I certainly recommend this approach to the
problem as worthy of future investigation.