A solution satisfying all of the above equations and conditions (see §5.1.1) except the velocity boundary conditions on the horizontal surfaces (5.1)-(5.2) and which, if stable, can be expected to apply sufficiently far from these surfaces, is the narrow cavity limiting solution derived in chapter 4, equations (4.23)-(4.24), (4.26)-(4.27).
In two dimensions ( and
the conduction-diffusion regime is defined as a state of the system in
which the limiting solution applies for some values of
The constant depends on the net vertical mass flow rate through the
fully developed region, arising from the transversely asymmetric
convective mass transfer in the end-zones. In the analogous single
fluid heat transfer problem,
the net vertical mass flow rate is known (§4.4.2)
so that
there are no undetermined constants in the fully developed solution of
Jones and Furry (1946).
The well-known (Gill 1966)
centrosymmetry of the analogous single fluid heat transfer problem
allows a considerable simplification: an end-zone can be treated
as a semi-infinite rectangular strip,
with the Jones-Furry solution as a
boundary condition at infinity (Batchelor 1954; Daniels 1985; Daniels
& Wang 1994).
With finite mass transfer rates (),
the solutions are no longer centrosymmetric so that the advantage of
this approach is lost and the domain is here taken as the full cavity.
This also avoids the difficulty of truncating an unbounded domain.
The a priori indeterminacy of
and the loss of
centrosymmetry are discussed further once the numerical solutions are
presented in the next section.