A more general solution that still satisfies equations
and boundary conditions (4.18)-(4.21)
is one where varies
, but this must be rejected on physical grounds as it leads to
a net vertical mass flux that varies with height. This violates the
conservation of mass, as by equation (4.39)
the cold and hot wall Sherwood numbers are equal, so that
there is no net addition of mass to the cavity
through the hot and cold walls at any horizontal section for which this fully
developed solution applies.
The value of the constant remains indeterminate. It is clearly
related to the net vertical mass flux, which is proportional to the
integral of
across the cavity. This integral depends
In the small mass transfer rate factor limit, the integral from
to 1 of
(4.36) is
. For the cavity,
the net vertical mass flux in this limiting case must be zero
(assuming3 there is no mass flux at the floor or ceiling, or front or
back walls) so that
. For an open channel,
is determined by
the pressure boundary conditions at the inlet and outlet.
No such simple treatment is possible for a cavity with
An inspection of figures 4.2
or 4.3, for which
in all the plotted profiles, reveals that the condition of the
pressure gradient balancing the mean density perturbation (i.e.
, from equation 4.28); does not imply a
net zero vertical mass flux.
Further, if
, a recirculating flow would be expected,
which would certainly cause the net mass added to the cavity
through the hot and cold walls to be different in the top and bottom end
regions. This difference cannot be determined without the solutions valid
for these regions. These are obtained numerically in chapter 5.